понедельник, 10 сентября 2012 г.

1. my first post

Hello, World! (Special greetings to English-201 :)
I've never had any experience of writing blogs, so I decided to call this blog, as you can see, "My first blog". And this is going to be my first post in my first public blog :) Well, actually it is not public yet because of my privacy settings, but...

I was born here, in Moscow, went, as practically all children did, in a kindergarten (I like this word because it is so german :))) and had the time of my life untill I went to school. And though I enjoyed the eductional process I found it quite hard. My most favourite subjects at school were Physics and Geography. I love Physics because I've always wanted to understand how it all works, how our world is ordered. And Geography was my favourite just because I like visiting different places. It's very interesting to explore the world (again, it's just another side of  the huge word "world'') especially when you don't leave your home! You know, I'm not a big fan of trekking or things like that. And though the pure nature fascinates me I find exploring the narrow streets of some European town more interesting and pleasant.

Berlin Hauptbahnhof is something supernatural!
The most amazing experience of my life...

Actually, cities are my biggest love :) I've already been to such metropolises as Berlin and Rome and I was totally bewildered (in the meaning "amazed", if it certainly exists at all) by their history, culture and just by their structure or order, I mean, it's very interesting to see how a city lives: how people get to the work, what places they visit to relax or to amuse themselves and what supports the existance of a city. And here I come to the idea (though it's  commonplace) that it looks like a body: public transportation is the blood vascular system of a city, power stations are its heart, parks are its lungs and so on) Well, I'd better stop this lyrical digression :)

When the time came to choose the discipline which I would (and still will) learn at college, I chose Economics because it helps to explore the world from one more side, from the side of people who inhabit it. Economics shows how people make decisions and communicate with each other in order to become wealthier, how people are organised in one big system and how their decisions affect this system.

And due to the fact that our world is multilingual, the process of exploration will be much easier when you are able to use the language that is commonly understood (more or less). That's why I'm also very interested in studying English and Deutsch or German (both of them are also languages of science). I'm fond of reading English classical literature and watching British comedy shows. One of my most favourite is *A bit of Fry and Laurie* :) though for now it's rather challenging for me because you have to concentrate all your attention to understand fluent and sophisticated language. But I hope that this course will help me to cope with these difficulties (a bit).

My interests also include listening to the music, learning playing the guitar, painting and maybe something else but I can't remember it :)

I think it should be enough for the first time, so good-bye! I hope you weren't bored while reading this. Sorry for my grammar, punctuation etc.)

P.S. Welcome to Russia, David!

2 комментария:

  1. Great first post, Mikhail! I can see that we have a lot of similar interests. Although I was in English major as an undergraduate, I also enjoyed studying physics. I actually managed to take physics twice in college because I transferred to a different school and they counted the astronomy class I took as a freshman as earth science and the second physics class as physics. That second class was actually physics for non-majors, titled "Physics for Poets." It was really interesting! We spent a lot of time talking about time travel and stuff like that.

    What English classic literature have you read? I read a lot of it in school, I'm sure, but now I tend to read more modern works.

    I've also seen some British comedy, but I don't always "get" it. I haven't seen the show you mentioned, but I have watched quite a bit of the series "Peep Show" and like it.

    See you in class!

  2. What an interesting class you took :D I wonder why they called it so... Did you also discuss the genereal theory of relativity there? :)

    I've read not so many books yet. This summer I've read The adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Animal Farm... I failed also to complete O. Henry's Roads of Destiny(
    To be honest, it was the first summer when I read books in English, probably for the reason that during the previos summer(s) I had to read War and Peace and Quiet flows the Don (the last one I didn't also managed to read :)

    I think that Hugh Laurie's humor is *got* everywhere, so you can give it a try) I tried to watch the first episode of Peep show... I'm in need of subtitled version)
